What we are doing at PlanBite is more than just an application.
Helping is the reason, why we are doing this. We believe technology can be incredibly beneficial, when use purposefully. This means focusing on helping people eat healthy, rather than vanity metrics and revenue goals.
We, people, are part of earth's environment. Everything we do at PlanBite has this in mind. From helping reduce waste while home cooking to promoting seasonal and regional foods and ingredients.
We aim to promote eating natural and organic foods, as the generally accepted healthy diet. Having a balanced diet with all nutrients is what we are going for. Healthy eating can have subjective meaning due to health conditions.
The internet has gives us more knowledge than we ever had before. But it's not that easy to find and digest it. We are here to provide you what you need to know about food in an understandable and interesting format.
Home cooking is more than just preparing a recipe. It's deciding what to eat, getting groceries, preparing your utensils, cooking, eating and then cleaning up. We want to you assist you as much as possible in as many ways as possible, so that you can focus on what's important.
We don't chase growth targets, but are here for the long run. This means that we scale up when it's needed to accommodate new users and demands. Our pace allows us to be a lean and resilient business and focus solely on our mission and delivering value to you.
This differs from the traditional way of setting ambitious (quarterly) growth targets to impress investors. Those companies then need to spend tons of money on marketing to achieve said goals and often employ shady tactics to engage and retain users longer. We don't believe this is the best approach.
Our blog and social media accounts provide free content that educates and (we hope) makes home cooking more appealing and approachable. Through the PlanBite app we aim to provide practical and tailored assistance, making home cooking easier and more enjoyable.
Making money is what allows us to build everything you see and use. We believe in fair transactions and aim to provide you the best possible experience in return for your purchase.
Thank you!